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Method: static {...}

1: package migration.processeddifffile;
3: /**
4: * classifies the changes between two variable definitions.
5: *
6: * @author max
7: *
8: */
9: public enum ChangeType {
11:         /**
12:          * Stands for a rename change.
13:          */
14:         RenamedDefinition,
15:         /**
16:          * Stands for a change of the content.
17:          */
18:         ContentChangedDefinition,
19:         /**
20:          * Stands for a shifted variabledefinition.
21:          */
22:         ShiftedDefinition,
23:         /**
24:          * Stands for a new variableDefinition.
25:          */
26:         AddedDefinition,
27:         /**
28:          * Stands for a removed variabledefinition.
29:          */
30:         RemovedDefinition;
32: }